Welcome to GuideKaka!

At GuideKaka, We are asking the public to share their knowledge and write for us. We are passionate about delivering high-quality, informative content to our readers. Our mission is to be a leading source of knowledge and inspiration in the fields of education and tourism. To achieve this, we are inviting writers, educators, travellers, and enthusiasts to contribute to our platform.

Why Write for Us?

  1. Gain Exposure: Your articles will reach a wide and diverse audience, increasing your visibility and showcasing your expertise.
  2. Get Credit: We believe in giving credit where it’s due. All articles will feature the author’s byline, ensuring that you receive recognition for your work.
  3. Build Backlinks: We accept legitimate backlinks, allowing you to link back to your website or blog. This can enhance your online presence and improve your SEO rankings.

What We’re Looking For

We are looking for well-researched, engaging, and original articles in the following categories:

  • Education: Articles that cover a wide range of educational topics, including but not limited to top schools, top colleges, teaching methods, learning strategies, educational technology, and insights into different educational systems.
  • Tourism: Content that explores travel destinations, travel tips, cultural experiences, and guides to help travellers make the most of their journeys.
write for us guidekaka

Submission Guidelines

To maintain the high standards of our platform, we have a few guidelines for submissions:

  1. Original Content: All articles must be original and not published elsewhere. We do not accept plagiarized content.
  2. Word Count: Articles should be between 800 to 1,500 words.
  3. Format: Please submit your articles in a Word document or Google Doc format. Include a short bio and a photo if you would like to be featured.
  4. Images: You can include relevant images to accompany your article. Ensure you have the rights to use the images or provide proper attribution.
  5. Backlinks: We accept up to two legitimate backlinks per article. Please ensure the links are relevant and add value to the content.

How to Submit

Ready to share your knowledge and experiences? Send your articles to [contact.toptime@gmail.com]. Our editorial team will review your submission, and if it aligns with our guidelines and vision, we’ll publish it on GuideKaka.

Join Our Community

By contributing to GuideKaka, you become part of a growing community of writers and experts dedicated to education and tourism. Together, we can inspire, educate, and inform readers around the world.

We look forward to reading your submissions and sharing your insights with our audience!

Contact Us

If you have any questions or need further information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [contact.toptime@gmail.com].

Happy writing!

Read our blogs here.