Holi in Pushkar 2024 | Best International Holi

Holi in Pushkar 2024 is on the 24th (Holika Dahan) and 25th March(Fun Day). Holi is celebrated throughout India, but there are 2 places where the celebration is famous the most. These places are Vrindavan and Pushkar. Indians and foreigners come to these places to witness a unique celebration one of its kind. I have been to both of these places to celebrate Holi and today you will know what Holi in Pushkar can be like. One thing is for sure Pushkar Holi is one of its kind where there is a crazy international party going on.

Holi in Pushkar 2024

Holi, the festival of colours, is one of the most important festivals of Hindu religion in India. It is celebrated on the full moon day of the month Falgun. It is celebrated throughout India, but it differs in the way it’s celebrated, as everyone knows India is a diverse country with a blend of cultures. Holi is celebrated for 2 days. The first day is known as Holika Dahan on which people offer prayers. And the second is the fun day where people play with colours.


Holi is officially for 2 days only but in Pushkar, it starts 10 days earlier. Every day for these 10 days live performances by talented Indian and International artists are hosted at Varah Chowk and they are completely free to attend. Normally, people come here on the day of Holika Dahan and stay for 2 days.

First of all try to reach Pushkar on the day of Holika Dahan i.e. 24 March 2024, so that you can also witness the Holika Puja. There are a lot of hostels and hotels where you can stay for 2 – 3 days according to your plan. I have stayed at Zostel Pushkar which is a nice property but it gets filled quickly so hurry up. Some other good hotels are at Kanhaia Haveli and Inn Seventh Heaven.

If you want to know what else you can do in Pushkar in 1 day read this famous 1 day itinerary for Pushkar.

Important Note: In recent years, due to the heavy footfall, the city has been closed for entry on the day of Holi to make the city not overcrowded and to manage people. So try to come 1 day before. By this, you can imagine how many people are coming for Holi in Pushkar.

The day before playing with colours – Holika Dahan

The Holika Dahan is performed in a ritual of bonfires to ward away evil spirits. It will happen on the night of the 24th at Varha Chowk. People all over the city locals or tourists come here to watch Holika Dahan. You can also see people going to the top of hotels and houses just to see the Holika from a birds-eye view.

Holika Dahan in Pushkar 2024
Holika Dahan

Fun day – Let’s play Holi

On the morning of Holi, you will feel an eerie silence at first as if is there nothing happening and you may start thinking am I at the right place? But as it clocks around 9-10 AM you can start hearing the rhythmic thumping sound. As you start to follow the sound and reach the source, you will feel am I in a rave party or what? At least thousands of people all covered in different colours danced to the local Indian and Techno music songs.

At one point you will feel there is also not enough space even to dance. And it just gets crazy. All this happens in just a small town square surrounded by local shops. Boys tearing their t-shirts and throwing it on the wires and buildings above and it just goes crazy and crazy. Being there will make you feel alive if you like these types of party places.

In Pushkar, you are not allowed to drink or smuggle Alcohol. What? Don’t get sad. There is ‘Bhaang’ to the rescue, a lassi yoghurt drink mixed with marijuana. Everyone feels to have a great time there. But be careful of the people who are under the influence of substances as they can cause some harm and spoil your mood.

Another thing to keep in mind is that people will colour you even if you don’t know each other. So be prepared of that.

Also before going to play with colours apply some oil to your faces and hands so that the colours can be easily removed after bath and won’t damage your skin.

Pushkar Lake – Get some peace

After playing with colours you may get tired. So in the evening head over to Pushkar Lake and stay there for some quiet and good time with your friends.

Eat at the restaurants on the lakeside, they have delicious food. And if you still have time to kill visit some of the temples like Brahma Temple, etc.

So that’s it. This is what the Holi in Pushkar will be like. So pack your bags and head over to Pushkar.


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